Spotless in white

Sarda Mohan
3 min readAug 22, 2021

Long long ago, when the world was being created,there was only disorder.
Brahma, the creator got worried.
“ How do I set this right?” He pondered.
The answer came from the goddess who emerged from his mouth riding a swan and dressed in white, holding the sacred texts, Veena and heralded by the peacock.
She was Saraswati, who explained to Him how knowledge was the solution to seek possibilities and solve problems.
Saraswati gifted Brahma with the ability to think, communicate and to sense how wisdom can transform his creations into something much more beautiful.
He understood that knowledge and wisdom which keeps away chaos and confusion.

Vagdevi, as Saraswati is also known,is the goddess of speech and sound too and inspired Brahma to create the entire Universe with a definite form and structure. A rhythm of life was set in place with the sun, moon, stars, planets, the seas, seasons, flora, fauna, and everything else the Universe includes, thus bringing in a vital energy and orderliness.

Brahma, with Saraswati’s help, instituted dharma, the sacred laws that ensure growth, stability and justice in the world.

There is an amusing story about a demon who wanted to conquer the three worlds. He wanted to get this boon from Brahma and did everything to please him. When the other gods feared the consequence of him obtaining such a boon, it was Saraswati who came to their rescue.
She sat on the demon’s tongue when it was time for him to ask for his boon. All that he could say was “ I would like to never stay awake”.
And the boon was granted. And the demon went to sleep forever.

Dispelling the darkness of ignorance with the shine of wisdom is what Goddess Saraswati does. Here is another story.

Another time, when Lord Shiva was disturbed from his meditation because of the chaotic world around, he opened his third eye as he wanted to destroy the world to free it from corruption and vices.
The terrible fire that came out threatened to burn everything existing.
When the whole world panicked, Saraswati calmly remarked, “ There is no need to worry. The fire from Lord Shiva’s third eye can burn only what is impure.”

She herself took the form of a river which picked up this fearful fire.
“ When man gives up wisdom and corrupts the world, the fire will emerge and destroy”, she said.

We need the blessings of all the three goddesses who embody wisdom, wealth and courage, namely Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga.
Money and courage without knowledge don’t complete life.

Saraswati’s choice of everything white, be it the swan or her clothes, reflect her essential purity and celebration of the powers of the mind by controlling bodily pleasures such as sleep and food.

Books, pens, tools of the artists and musicians are all used in her Pooja.

She is very important in the life of students, educators and artists.

Originally published at

